Monday 19 November 2007

First post frm Donna

Thanks Jen for setting up the page.
I have put a photo of "Midnight in the Garden" - an embroidered piece I started it some time ago and seemed finished when in the hand . When I put it in a frame (needs a another frame too) it was clear that it still needs work and I intend to go back into it with some creams and golds. The thread and fabric are hand dyed and the embroidery is worked in detached chain
I managed to spend the afternoon working on a piece for the WRAP exhibitions next. I started a yellow strippy quilt - raw edges on the outside. It is intended to be reflective of the colours of the wheat belt regions of Australia: yellows, brown ocres and some of the green scrub that runs up and down the roads.

As my camera is out of action at the moment I cant's post a picture of work in progress - probably just as well and it is more sticking in my minds eye than actually is.

Here is a link to WRAP for those interested.



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